Meet Shadows:
Your Digital Twin

We are building digital twins that capture your knowledge and help others on your team, as well as improve AI agents and personalize tools you already use.

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Learn from your team

Shadows builds a knowledge base from what your teammates worked on

Shadows uses your meetings and work activities across apps to create documents which you and your teammates can refer back to when stuck.

Automatically creates and updates docs

Shadows creates documentation off the work that you complete, and updates existing docs. Our models refer to these documents to answer questions on your work.

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Shares knowledge across your team

Anyone on your team can ask your Shadow questions they would normally ask you, and it would have all the knowledge you have as it has captured your meetings, chats, and work activities.

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Reduces Meetings

Instead of scheduling time with you directly, your teammates can talk to your Shadow first and get unblocked on their tasks which saves time for everyone involved!

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Everything in your brain. In one place.

Introducing the Knowledge Hub.

A place that contains everything about the work your teammates have done, and their knowledge and experiences gained from it. You can even watch video clippings on workflows such as deployment, etc.

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A Memory Layer for Agents

Personalize other AI Tools with Hyper Specific Context

Shadows can also be used as a personalized memory layer for your company’s AI apps, and can help build more accurate agents while integrating with existing tools like Microsoft CoPilot. It does this by feeding the agents the documents it has created on your specific work activities.

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Where are we right now?

We are currently in a pilot with our first team!

Shadows is currently being used in a team of 10 in an eLearning startup, and they have already saved 40 hours per week in meeting and documentation time.

Saved in Meetings
30 hrs
Saved in documenting work
10 hrs

Sign up to pilot Shadows today!

Schedule a 20 min demo with one of our founders to learn how Shadows works, and we can get you going on a pilot!